Whatcom Million Trees Project: Bringing More Trees to Whatcom County

By Joshua Solórzano

October 14, 2022

Trees have many benefits people might know about. Listen to Michael Freer, executive director of Whatcom Million Trees Project, explain why trees are important and what they’re doing to ensure Whatcom County’s tree population keeps growing.

Michael Freer out with the work group. Photo courtesy of Mallory Roe.

Despite Whatcom County being known as a place with beautiful nature, hikes and tons of trees, the number of trees in Whatcom County is shrinking, and Whatcom Million Trees Project won’t let that happen. Joshua Solórzano, for The Planet Magazine, sat down with Michael Freer, and he explained what Whatcom Million Trees Project does, what they’ve done and what they want to keep doing.

Joshua Solórzano is a fourth-year Visual Journalism major and Spanish minor. He reports on all things interesting, but at The Planet Magazine, his job is to bring in the voices of the community, specifically the voices of those doing things environment-related. Habla español con fluidez.


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