The Gray Area Issue
Returning Tokitae Home
Tokitae the orca whale was abducted from her pod in Puget Sound as an adolescent and was sold to a marine park in Florida. There, she was forced to spend the rest of her life in captivity until years of advocacy prompted her return home. Plans for her return were officially announced in March 2023. While some are optimistic about her future, others have expressed concerns.
A Line in the Sand
Years of unregulated shoreline armor construction on the San Juan Islands has damaged crucial ecosystems and put human properties in danger. There are plans to remove these structures for the safety of habitats and island residents.
For the Love of the Lake
A contaminated shoreline property on Lake Washington faces an uncertain future as the slow process to rid the soil and water of toxic chemicals lurches on.
Creating Cordata Park
Development centers wetland preservation while creating a community space.
Cross-Border Policies Flood with Complications
The Nooksack River flooded into Abbotsford, Canada in November of 2021. Canadians who were impacted had little to no control, as the U.S. controls the policies around the river.
Past Pollution to Future Park
Over a century after the Cornwall Avenue Landfill was opened, a site cleanup has been initiated. This will help the City of Bellingham step away from the pollution from its industrial past and look towards a brighter future.
Investing in a Green Future
Can Western Washington University invest in a sustainable future despite uncertainties?
Reforesting Western’s Future
Through hard work and research, Western Washington University’s LEAD club creates a mini-forest using an alternative planting method.
Grieving Glaciers Past: The Artists of the Terminus Project
Thirty-eight artists have come together to document the disappearing glaciers in Olympic National Park.