The Chaos Issue
Chaos- Fall ‘23
Dear Reader,
Disorder. Confusion. The entropic mess of matter and energy post Big-Bang. Chaos has many definitions. For The Planet’s dedicated team of reporters and photographers, it was this issue’s theme. We stayed up late and got up early these past few months, fueling ourselves with coffee during mid-afternoon slumps. We strove to find and share important stories of chaos from our community, and tell you about the intricacies of its environmental implications. From the shallow, tidal depths of our coast, to the snowy peaks of the North Cascades, chaos, and its impacts on our planet, are everywhere. So, too are the people working with or against this strange force; people with tales to tell. We hope you enjoy reading their stories. I know I have.
Please share any comments, questions, concerns or corrections with us by emailing planet@wwu.edu
Happy Reading,
Riley Weeks
A Balancing Act: Tradition and Change
Young Coast Salish artists are putting their own spin on traditional story pole carving
Orcas and Humans Mourn Alike
An orca’s death created a wave of grief for those who called her family and fought for her release from captivity.
Hoping for a Hopping Success
The issues facing Oregon spotted frogs are leading local scientists' efforts to conserve and protect the endangered species in Skagit and Whatcom County
The Unlikely Protectors of Washington’s Forests
The so-called ‘enemies’ of Washington state’s forests may be the heroes.
For the Love of Fish
Native Skagit River steelhead have advocates in the least likely of places, even if they disagree on how to save the dwindling fish population.
Attack of the Wasting Disease
Something is killing sea stars by the billions, and researchers have yet to understand why.
Single-Stream Recycling Won’t Fix Upstream Issues
The city of Bellingham will transition to single-stream recycling to combat rising recycling costs. With both affordability and environmental concerns involved in the decision, some city residents wonder if a solution can be found further up the production line.
Reintroduction: Bear with Us
Grizzly bear reintroduction in the North Cascades has been in the works since 1997. For the first time in 30 years, action is being taken.
Clashing Metal and Community
ABC Recycling, a Canadian metal recycling company, plans to build an industrial metal shredder on a 20-acre property along Marine Drive, just south of the Birchwood neighborhood in Bellingham. Residents are concerned about potential health and environmental impacts of the shredder and are working to prevent its development.