The Horizons Issue

Horizons - Winter 25

Dear Reader,

The future can be terrifying. In a world of  unknowns, fears and anxieties, sometimes all we can do is look to the future in horror of what’s to come. Other times, when we look on the horizon, and ask ourselves what’s to come; there’s hope. 

In reading these stories, I hope that’s what you find; hope. Hope for our future in farming and compost. Hope that people are out doing something about the injustices and wrongdoings of the world. In reading these stories, I hope you find joy and the next time you look out at what’s on the horizon - it’s a little less scary. 

As acting Editor-In-Chief, I wish had a longer letter, one that describes a better future, a positive tomorrow, but unfortunately, at this time, I don’t know what’s going to happen. However, as you take in all we have to share; take my simple message of hope to help you look for brighter things on the horizon. 

Please share any comments, questions, concerns or corrections with us by emailing and

Hope above all else,

Julia Hawkins
