The Uncharted Issue
Uncharted- Fall ‘24
Dear Reader,
When I chose Uncharted for this quarter’s theme something about it resonated with me.
This is my first quarter as Editor-In-Chief. This is Jeff Shaw’s first quarter as our Faculty Advisor. For the majority of the staff, this is their first quarter as Editors. As a newsroom, we were heading into uncharted waters, with our 50th anniversary on the horizon.
The more I sat with the theme, I began to see the larger picture. The world is uncharted. Everywhere, there’s something new to uncover, something new to learn. From the waters of the Snake River, to the mountains for the North Cascades, to right outside our doors in Downtown Bellingham; there is something new everywhere you look with a story waiting to be told.
As you read these stories, I hope you discover something new. I hope you are driven to make a change in your life, no matter how big or small it may be. I hope you are touched by the people these writers have met and brought to life through their writing.
Please share any comments, questions, concerns or corrections with us by emailing wwuplanetmag@gmail.com and publiceditor.wwuplanetmag@gmail.com
Happy Reading,
Julia Hawkins